Online, virtual exchanges
Online exchanges are a wonderful way to spark interest among young people in participating in an exchange, to prepare for an actual exchange, to involve participants in the planning and content of exchanges, to make exchanges long-lasting, and to make exchanges a regular companion.
During online exchanges, participants first get to know each other. During the actual exchange, the initial phase of getting acquainted is already overcome, the process of getting to know each other, becoming a unit, is expedited.
Online exchanges particularly involve participants in shaping the exchange. After two initial getting-to-know-you meetings, it is determined what content, what projects one wants to develop together within the framework of the online and actual exchange. The subsequent online exchanges, which occur at regular intervals, are structured in accordance with the content or projects defined for the exchange.

1. Meeting:
- Each participant introduces her/himself and shares her/his hobbies and interests.
- Based on the hobbies and interests, breakout groups are formed to engage in conversation.
- Tasks for the next meeting: Participants prepare a presentation about the hometown of counterparts and their school.
2. Meeting:
- Presentations are given, and questions based on the presentations are collected.
- Breakout groups are formed based on the collection of questions to discuss them.
- Tasks for the next meeting: Preparation of a presentation about an upcoming festival, holiday, or national day.
- Determination of a theme or themes, a project to be developed during both the online and the actual exchanges.
3. Meeting;
- Presentations are given, and questions based on the presentations are collected.
- Breakout groups are formed based on the collection of questions to discuss them.
- Tasks for the next meeting based on the topics, project choosen.
4. and further meetings based on the topics,projects.